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Leif Lundstrøm


Jeg er ansat som idrætskonsulent hos DGI vestjylland indenfor løb, cykling, triathlon og duathlon mm.

Uddannet diplom træner ved DIF og DTRIF. Trainingpeaks level 2 træner.


Jeg er uddannet autoriseret professionsbachelor fysioterapeut fra Fysioterapeutskolen i Holstebro 2005.


Jeg har siden min uddannelse videreuddannet mig til idrætseksamineret fysioterapeut med speciale i idrætsskader. Herudover kommer især specialisering inden for fødder, løb og såler i forbindelse med skoindlæg.


Jeg underviser for  på Trx kurser.

Akademisk kvalifikation


Bachelor Fysioterapeut med speciale i idrætsfysioterapi


Speciale i Løbestilsanalyse og løbeteknik.

Træner kvalifikation:

Diplom træner ved Dansk Idrætsforbund

Traningpeak Level 1 Coach

Trainingpeak level 2 Coach

Dansk Triathlon Træner 1

Dansk Triathlon Træner 2

WKO 4 coach

Head Coach Holstebro Triathlon Klub

Certificeret Poserunning løbetræner level. 1 og 2

Certificeret Kettlebells Instruktør

Certificeret Body Bike Instruktør

Certificeret Bike Fit uddannet

Certificeret TRX instruktør og underviser I TRX SMSTC I Danmark.

”A goal is a dream with a plan”

Meet the coach

Academic qualification

Bachelor physiotherapist specialized in sports physiotherapy.

Specialist in doing analyses of different running styles and running techniques.

Leif Lundstrøm

I am employed as a sports consultant at DGI in the western part of Jutland. My areas are running, biking, triathlon and duathlon etc.

I am an authorized physiotherapeutic bachelor, educated in 2005 from the Physiotherapeutic School in Holstebro.

Later, I have received further education as a sports examined physiotherapist. My special area is within the field of sports injuries. In addition, I also specialize in feet, running and soles in connection with insoles.

I teach at TRX courses for

Qualifications as a coach:

Certified coach from the Sports Confederation of Denmark.

Training Peak Level 1 Coach

Danish Triathlon Coach 1

Danish Triathlon Coach 2

Physiological lactate tests of runners and triathletes

Head coach of Holstebro Triathlon Club

Certified pose running coach level 1 and 2

Certified kettlebells instructor

Certified body bike instructor

Certified bike fit education

Certified TRX instructor and coach in TRX SMSTC in Denmark

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