Tribikerun - Bronze
Sport: Løb, cykling, triatlon, duathlon, roning.
Kunde: Nybegynderen, age-group atleter.
Målsætning: Sikre korrekt opstart af træningsforløb, 3, 5, 10 km og op til ½ marathon. ¼ ironman. Duathlon konkurrencer.
Tribikeruncoach Bronze giver dig det korrekte fundament til at bygge din form fra. Her vil du få opfyldt de behov du vil have for at skabe forståelse af processen ind i din aktivitet.
Pakken sigter mod atleten der ønsker at få grundlæggende struktur på sin træning, samt at udvide sin forståelse af sammenspillet mellem krop og træning. Denne struktur er basen for alt god træning og formforbedring.
Beskrivelse af Tribikeruncoach - Bronze:
TrainingPeaks Premium Athlete Edition abonnement værdi 200 kr.
Opstart Interview/Konsultation Ca. 2 timers Varighed personligt møde, skype mm.
Follow up Konsultation - Tilkøb
Målsætning og sæson plan Individuel træningsplan I forhold til dine mål
Kommunikations Frekvens - 2 e-mails pr. måned
Træningsplan uploadet I din kalender - Månedligt
Træningsplan updateret - 1 x pr måned
Pre-race og post-race analyse - Tilkøb
WKO 4 analyse - Ingen
Puls/Power/GPS File gennemgang og analyse - Ugentlig
Deltagelses I Workshops - Tilkøb
695 kr. Pr måned
Plus 500 kr. start-up
Minimum binding ved opstart 3. måneder
Tribikerun - Bronze
Sports: cycling, running, triathlon, duathlon, rowing.
The client: The beginner, age-group athletes.
Goal: To ensure the correct start of the course of the training; 3, 5, 10 km to ½ marathon, ¼ ironman. Duathlon competitions.
Tribikeruncoach 1 offers you the right foundation to build up your body. The needs you will have for creating an understanding of the process in your activity will be met.
The program is intended for the athlete, who wishes to have a fundamental structure on his/her training, as well as increasing his/her understanding of the relation between the body and the training one does. This structure is the foundation for all good training and improvement of the shape.
Description of Tribikeruncoach – Bronze:
TrainingPeaks Premium Athlete Edition - Included
Start-Up Interview/Consultation - Included
Follow up consultation - None
Goal Planning - Included
Individualized Plan Tailored to your Needs - Included
Communication Frequency - 2 e-mails per month
Training Schedules Posted - Monthly
Training Schedule Updates - 1 per month
Pre-race and post-race analyses - Add. pricing
HR/Power/GPS File Review - Weekly
WKO 4 Analyse - None
Free participation I Workshopn - Add. Pricing
Plus $99 start-up