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Opbygning af Sæson
Trainingpeaks og WKO4

Efter en målsætningssamtale er du i gang med træningen, træningsplanen er baseret på en årsplan.


Alle atleter bliver tilkoblet Trainingpeaks hvor du altid kan få overblik over din årsplan, de kommende træninger samt tracke din træning. Det giver mig som træner et fantastisk overblik over den enkelte atlet og jeg kan følge din udvikling og progression til mindste detalje.


Samtidigt giver det dig et godt overblik over egen træning og udvikling. Programmet bruges også til før og efter træning/konkurrence kommentar og analyse.

The program is built on the main principals; work, overload and super compensation – adaptation. This can be over a course of 3-4, 4-6 weeks period, with 2-3 weeks, where the pressure is higher, followed by a week with super compensation. When the volume is decreased significantly, the body will strengthen and improve. This sequence needs to be accepted in order to avoid training too hard. However, the choice of pressure in the sequence, is determined by the individual athlete´s experience and every-day.


I will prepare all the training, the periods and the progress to ensure, that you will get the ideal process for your training.  

Jeg holder øje med dig.

“With TrainingPeaks, no matter where I am in the world or in my season, my coach and I monitor my progress to make sure I am on track to achieve my goals.”

Jan Frodeno
2x IRONMAN® World Champion

Du får 100 % individuelt program og træning.


Når du vælger et Tribikeruncoach forløb får du et individuelt tilpasset træningsprogram som er tilpasset netop dit nuværende niveau og din dagligdag.


Du får et individuelt tilrettelagt program.

  • Opstartsmøde med din personlige træner (varighed 60-90 min)

  • Personligt træningsprogram i onlineuniverset Trainingpeaks (web + app). Træningsprogrammet skræddersys ud fra dine mulige træningsdage, tid, motivation, træningsbaggrund og målsætninger. Første program laves med udgangspunkt i dialogen til opstartsmødet, samt uddybende dataark, der udfyldes inden opstartssamtalen.

  • Programmet er baseret på det antal timer den enkelte har til rådighed, ud fra nuværende niveau.

  • Programmet er baseret på den enkeltes mål og ambitioner, det være sig stævner eller bare at komme i bedre form.

  • Programmerne er videnskabeligt baseret, hellere kvalitet end kvantitet, men der tages højde for, at det skal være stimulerende og sjovt.

  • Din træningsprogression baseret på træningstest og racetest. Træningsniveauet vil blive baseret på disse test.

  • Selvom programmerne er meget strukturerede, så er der et højt niveau af fleksibilitet.

  • Den enkelte kan få feedback dagligt eller så tit, som det er ønsket.

  • Det er muligt at få konkurrencerådgivning og tribikeruncoach samarbejder med Eat to Perform som udarbejder detaljeret daglige kostplaner og laver kostanalyser.

100 % individual training


When you choose a course by TriBikeRunCoach you will receive an individually adapted training program, which is adjusted to exactly your current level and your daily routine.


You will receive an individually designed program:


  • A start-up meeting with your personal coach (duration, 60 minutes).

  • A personal training program in the online universe of Trainingpeaks (web + app). The training program is planned according to the days it is possible for you to work out, your time, motivation, workout background and your goals. The first program is based on the dialogue at the start-up meeting, together with detailed data sheets, which are to be filled out before the first conversation.

  • The program is based on the amount of hours one has available, from the current level.

  • The program is based on individual goals and ambitions; whether it is competitions or simply just to get in a better shape.

  • The programs are scientifically grounded, rather quality than quantity. It is taken into account that it has to be inspiring and fun.

  • Your training progress based on training tests and race tests. The level of the exercises will be based on these tests.

  • Even though the programs are very structured, they are still very flexible.

  • One can get feedback on a daily basis or as often as desired.

  • It is possible to get advice concerning competition and TriBikeRunCoach co-operates with Eat to Perform, who creates detailed daily diet plans and does diet analyses.

Season building up

Following a conversation regarding your goals, your training has begun. The plan of your training is based on a yearly plan.


Every athlete will be connected to Trainingpeaks. Here you can always get an overview of your yearly plan, the coming work-outs as well as follow your training. As coach, it gives me a fantastic indication of each athlete, and it is possible for me to follow your development and progress in every detail.


At the same time it will give you an impression of your own training and development. The program is also used as before and after training/competition comments and analysis.

Programmerne er bygget op omkring hovedprincipperne work, overload, og superkompensation – adaptation. 


Dette kunne forløber over en 3-4, 4-6 ugers cyklus med 2-3 belastnings uger og derefter en superkompensations uge. Når volumen nedsættes markant, vil kroppen styrkes og forbedres. Denne cyklus bør overholdes for at undgå overtræning. Dog er valget af belastnings cyklus, betinget af den enkelte atlet erfaring og dagligdag.


Jeg vil planlægge al træningen, periodiseringen og progressionen for at sikre dig et optimal træningsforløb.

We will keep an eye on you

“With TrainingPeaks, no matter where I am in the world or in my season, my coach and I monitor my progress to make sure I am on track to achieve my goals.”

Jan Frodeno
2x IRONMAN® World Champion


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